Hydrogenated Soybean Oil

What is it?

Hydrogenated Soybean Oil is soybean oil (from soybean plant (Glycine max)), which is liquid at room temperature, that has been processed by adding hydrogen to make it more saturated. Hydrogenation increases the oil’s stability and raises its melting point so that it is a solid at room temperature.

What does it do?

Hydrogenated Soybean Oil is a soft wax. It works with the other waxes in the product to make it slide more easily and, therefore, be more pleasant to apply.

How is it made?

Our Stewardship Model guides us to select ingredients which have been processed in a manner that supports our philosophy of human and environmental health.

What are the alternatives?

Other materials that can be used for this purpose in the product include synthetic waxes, petroleum waxes, silicones and other modified oils.

Is this the right option for me?

Hydrogenated Soybean Oil has a long history of safe use in personal care products.

Tom's of Maine recognizes that no two people are alike, and even with naturally derived ingredients, some individuals may develop an allergic reaction that is unique to them. As with any product, be sure to discontinue use if you experience discomfort or other indications that the product may not be appropriate for your individual body chemistry.